Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Healing From Fictional Words

I've never been one to absorb fiction on a consistent basis as I seem to really immerse myself in relationships. When I have needed a break I mostly go to "self-help" because when I needed answers I wanted them without all the fluff. As of late in my life I needed escape only to find the answers I needed much more slowly. I began by watching a series of movies that delved into the horror/fantasy/young adult romance category. Then I decided I needed to know how it all really began and really ended since they were based on novels. Over short weeks I about consumed the set of 4 lengthy novels. I digested the characters...I purchased most of the movies...I let my mental life stay there for a little while looking for some reprieve from the daily challenges I have had. Surprisingly enough I found more than just escape. In connection with these novels and therapy ( feeling an Oprah moment here) I found a long since closed door finally open. The innocence and passion of truly loving someone that makes my heart, mind and body tingle. The excitement of not being afraid, of not holding back and of truly accepting this person's courage and adventurousness. I remembered what it was like to feel tickled to be lost in thinking about holding this other person...
   Then as I finished this set of novels I started another. Somehow I found three out of the four of the set at a thrift store. Though the pace is nearly not as gripping I found myself in there as well. I cried as I read one character finally coming out of a cloak of grief. I remembered myself and feeling free of things from years past and my mind passing over fuzzy mental snapshots of these three beautiful children that have brought me to a place of dealing with my childhood. Amazing how fiction can open the door to yourself in a subtle and shocking way without your knowledge. (For being awake by 3 ish I am surprised I seem lucid at all.... but here are my rantings none the less). Pick up a book or two or 6 if you feel so inclined, enjoy them and let them rearrange you a bit.

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