Sunday, March 20, 2011

El Cheapo Pillows

 Many times I go into places like World Market and drool over fabulous pillows; but seriously who wants to pay $24 a pop or even $12 when it's on sale?! Definitely not me. So I bought two cloth napkins that were approximately $3 or so together and recovered old pillows. I have a fabric stash, as every good crafty/artistic person should have and went to work. I found fabric that is lovely in it's own right and matched one of the colors in the print.
Back of the pillow

I had this lovely silk that has been collecting dust in the closet and was finally able to pull it out. Hooray.
Now the front is absolutely lovely and I hope to bring in different pillows to play off the colors.
Now the colors are a bit brighter than they appear however with my limited time of blogging today you get the point. :O)

So for $3 dollars I got two lovely pillows.

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