Sunday, November 27, 2011


Post Thanksgiving and I ate enormous amounts of bad food, too much wheat, too much sugar ugh. Last night I watched Fast Sick and Nearly Dead. I was super impressed with the idea that this man who was morbidly obese and had a bizarre and painful auto immune disease decided to simply start juicing. He traveled the U.S. from one side to the other  juicing and talking to others about the benefits. At the end he had rebooted his system and got completely off his medications it was crazy and lost a tremendous amount of weight. He didn't just lose weight he began a real exercise change to the point where his parents considered living that way as well.
So I decided to have some veggie & fruit smoothies.
  Yesterday: I had one a few hours after dinner:
   frozen spinach
  1 apple
  1 banana

then I made one for the morning after consisting of the same only adding carrots and I had it for breakfast.
After a few hours I had another full of 
1  banana
1 green apple for lunch.

Four hours and one workout later I had 
1 banana
1 apple smoothie.

Within the hour two glasses of water. 

I feel ridiculously hydrated! Not bloated and have energy. I have had two cravings. A little bit after this most recent smoothie I was full and suddenly felt this very real craving for the crunch of crackers... Crackers of all things. The sensation of chewing somehow seems comforting and I haven't had it now for 19 hours. Now earlier today I thought I would eat dinner but the question in my mind is should I keep going? Should I keep making smoothies for 10 days? This man in the film asked people try it for 10 days.hmmmm.